A quarter of our overall budget is allocated for Partnership Investment.
Partnership investment funds will be ring-fenced for activity with Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs). LCEPs will be required to have reached a certain level of maturity before we will consider investment, with set criteria in place to ensure a partnership is investment-ready.
At the time of the launch of the Cultural Education Challenge in October 2015, five places were designated as LCEP localities; Bedford, Colchester, Luton, Medway and Thurrock. Alongside these five LCEPs, coordinated place-based approaches to cultural learning are emerging in Braintree, Central Bedfordshire, Dartford, Hertfordshire, Southend and Sheppey. We are nurturing each of these places to form an LCEP and we will be responsive to other places where there is opportunity and energy to work towards this agenda. Providing an LCEP can reach the minimum requirements, we will consider all applications for investment.
Aside from our direct investments with individual LCEPs, we will also work towards facilitating a number of pan-regional programmes that build capacity across a cluster of different LCEPs.
Partnership Investment – Key Changes for 2018-22
There are several criteria that all partners interested in making an application for funding must fulfil:
Through our Partnership Investment funding, we are particularly keen for programmes to reach CYP who have restricted access to arts and culture whether this is due to limited infrastructure or other economic, social, physical and geographical challenges.
A strong proposal will:
What we can’t fund:
We support the emergence of new networks and help strengthen existing ones, looking at professional development and local collaborations.
We commission research into local needs and opportunities within the cultural and education sector. Identifying and celebrating good practice we then work strategically to strengthen the local infrastructure that will sustain it.
We work directly with teaching schools and their alliances, developing creative learning in schools and fostering relationships with the local cultural sector.
We run and support a number of events focused on training and development and sharing good practice.
We do not currently offer an open call for potential co-investment opportunities.
Our regional programme managers work directly with local organisations to identify local needs, develop suitable partnerships and support investment.
To discuss our work or to connect with one of our regional programme managers please contact us via email at bridge@roh.org.uk
For the latest news and opportunities follow us on Twitter @ROHBridge or get email updates.
Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775)