Chance to Dance

Chance to Dance gives primary school children from across the country, who do not have access to ballet / live in areas facing numerous disadvantages, their first opportunity to engage creatively with ballet, connecting closely with the inspirational repertory, choreographers and dancers of The Royal Ballet.

With its 27-year track record for excellence, Chance to Dance is now building a national presence and being the catalyst for systemic change in who has access to ballet and the opportunity to train professionally. The programme seeks to find points of relevance within the art form for every participating child, their families and teachers, particularly in culturally and ethnically diverse communities. Chance to Dance aims to broaden and diversify the pool of young people with potential in ballet, to provide pathways to nurture and develop talent, with the aim of diversifying the range of dancers who have the opportunity to enter vocational ballet training and graduate to become professionals in the sector.

To create more opportunities for aspiring young dancers to engage in further training, the Royal Ballet and Opera work collaboratively with local and national dance industry partners to model best practice in the creative teaching of ballet and establish more accessible pathways, especially for those who face difficulty accessing existing opportunities.

Supporting and sharing practice between dance artists and teachers working in the public and private dance sectors is a priority for Chance to Dance. A professional development programme designed and delivered in collaboration with the Royal Ballet School provides the forum to explore and strengthen the convergence between recreational, vocational and community dance practice. The programme is delivered as a core part of each cycle of Chance to Dance and provides artists with the opportunity to practically and creatively explore classical ballet technique, artistry and pedagogical topics relevant to current dance teaching practice.

In 2018/19, we are testing a new model of delivery for Chance to Dance, working in five primary schools in Thurrock and partnering with local dance schools in Essex. We are delighted to be working with Junior Masters, Anthony Clifford Dance Studios, Dance2Drama and Essex Dance Theatre.

With support from

The Learning and Participation Season is generously supported by The Mohn Westlake Foundation

Generously supported by the Royal Opera House Endowment Fund, The Linbury Trust, Orinoco Foundation, The Thistle Trust, Weinstock Fund, Chapman Charitable Trust, Gonzalo and Maria Garcia, Simon Holden, The Anthony and Elizabeth Mellows Charitable Trust and donors who wish to remain anonymous.

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Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775)