Jette Parker Artists Company

The first cohort of Young Artists joined The Royal Opera in September 2001. Each singer is contracted for two years and every season half of singers on the Programme are in their first year while the other half is in their second. Music staff and stage directors are contracted for two years and succeeded by new members every other year.

The Jette Parker Artists Company of 2023/24

Eleanor Burke
Stage Director

Eleanor Burke

Harriet Taylor
Stage Director

Harriet Taylor

Edward Reeve
Opera Conductor /Répétiteur

Edward Reeve

André Callegaro
Opera Conductor / Répétiteur

André Callegaro

José Salazar
Ballet Conductor

José Salazar

Former Jette Parker Artists

Programme generously supported by Oak Foundation

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Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company number 480523) Charity Registered (Number 211775)